Past Projects
Past projects total over $68,000 invested in the community.
Historic Hepzibah Baptist Church
WCHS donated $1,000 to the much needed re-painting project for the Historic Hepzibah Baptist Church in Wendell.
The Lafayette Trail, Shaw University, and the William G. Pomeroy FoundationIn collaboration with the Lafayette Trail, Shaw University, and the William G. Pomeroy Foundation, WCHS facilitated the placement of a historic marker commemorating Lafayette’s visit to Raleigh during his farewell tour. The marker is near the corner of East South and South Wilmington Streets on Shaw’s campus, adjacent to the Performing Arts complex, the location of the former Government House where Lafayette was entertained on March 2, 1825.
60th Anniversary Project: Adopt-a-Window Program for St. Paul AME Church and Preservation NC
WCHS donated $4,000 to adopt a window for restoration at St. Paul AME Church in downtown Raleigh and led a campaign to help the church raise additional funds to restore more of the 72 windows. Karl Larson and his committee did a superb job of publicizing an Open House held in February at the church to highlight the adopt-a-window campaign. The result was two extensive articles in the News and Observer, one on the front page. You may view the articles by clicking here and here. A story broadcast over WVTD can be viewed here. Over $60,000 was raised.
The window WCHS adopted is the right panel in the photo.

The Society also gave $300 to Preservation North Carolina for an advertisement is in its annual meeting program.
Oakwood Cemetery
Donated $500 to Oakwood Cemetery to help repair damage caused by vandalism.
Right: Entrance Gate to Oakwood Cemetery, Raleigh
Historic Oak View County Park and Preservation North Carolina
Gave $500 towards restoration of the Tenant House at Historic Oak View County Park, located in Raleigh.
Right: Tenant House at Historic Oak View County Park

Gave $250 to Preservation North Carolina to help sponsor M. Ruth Little’s book entitled Cameron Park, Raleigh, NC.
Right: Cover of Cameron Park, Raleigh, NC
Historic Oak View County Park
Gave $500 to help with the move of the Tenant House to Historic Oak View County Park in Raleigh.
Above: Tenant House Undergoing Restoration
Oakwood Cemetery and Yates Mill
Paid $450 for the restoration of the photo on Rachel Blythe Bauer’s monument at Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh.
Right: Rachel Blythe Bauer Grave Marker

Gave $250 to Historic Yates Mill County Park in Raleigh.
Right: Yates Mill
City Cemetery and B. W. Wells Association of Wake Forest
Joined the Vanguard Class from First Presbyterian Church and Dean Ruedrich to restore the Devereux Plot in Raleigh’s City Cemetery, which opened in 1798. Each entity gave $2,500.
Right: Devereux Plot at City Cemetery

Gave $2,500 to the B.W. Wells Foundation in Wake Forest to help pay for wiring in the circa 1895 main building of Rock Cliff Farm.
Right: Rock Cliff Farm House
City Cemetery and Wake Forest Historic Preservation Commission
Paid $2,400 to restore the box tombstone of Mary Burges in City Cemetery in Raleigh. Her box tombstone was the only box tombstone with legs that was still standing in that cemetery.
Right: Mary Burges Box Tomb after Restoration

Gave $1,000 to the Wake Forest Historical Commission to help stabilize the Ailey-Young House in Wake Forest, a circa 1875, Reconstruction-era home of freed slaves.
Above Right: Ailey-Young House in Wake Forest
City Cemetery and Raleigh Hall of Fame
Paid $3,800 to restore the monument of Jacob Johnson in Raleigh’s City Cemetery. He was the father of U.S. President Andrew Johnson.
Right: Jacob Johnson’s Monument, Restored
Paid $250 for an advertisement in the program for the Raleigh Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

Below Right: Raleigh Hall of Fame Logo
Wake Forest Historical Society
Gave $250 to the Wake Forest Historical Society for a new brochure.
Right: The Wake Forest Historical Museum
All Saints ChapelGave All Saints’ Anglican Church $2,500 to help pay for moving All Saints’ Chapel at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Raleigh. The group did not raise enough money for the move, so WCHS’s donation was returned. In 2008, Greg Hatem of Empire Properties paid for the move and restored the chapel.
Right: All Saints’ Chapel in its current location south of downtown Raleigh. Photo by Cynthia Viola
Raleigh City Cemeteries Preservation
Paid $550 for a new brochure for Raleigh City Cemeteries Preservation.
N C State Capitol and Raleigh City Museum
Paid for $500 for a display case for an original State Capitol chair at the NC State Capitol. The display case is no longer in use.
Right: NC State Capitol in Raleigh
Gave $1,000 for the tenth anniversary of the Raleigh City Museum.

Below Right: Briggs Building which houses the re-named City of Raleigh Museum
L. L. Polk House, Olivia Raney Local History Library, Raleigh Heritage Trail, and City Cemetery
Paid $425 for storage of furniture that was to be used in the L.L. Polk House when it was completed.
Right: L.L. Polk House in Raleigh

Gave $2,000 to Olivia Raney Public Library for microfiming Wake County newspapers.
Above: Olivia Raney Library in Raleigh
Gave $1,500 for Raleigh Heritage Trail brochures.

Paid $200 for lettering on a cemetery stone at City Cemetery in Raleigh.
Right: Entrance to City Cemetery
Dr. Manassa T. Pope House, NC State Capitol Foundation, and Olivia Raney Local History Library
Gave $1,500 to the Manassa Pope House Foundation toward the purchase of a 1920 stove to help in the restoration of the ca. 1900 home of Dr. Manassa T. Pope
Right: Dr. Manassa T. Pope House in Raleigh, Photo by Elizabeth Alley, courtesy of the Raleigh Historic Development Commission

Gave $500 to NC State Capitol Foundation to assist in cleaning monuments on the Capitol grounds.
Right: NC State Capitol, courtesy John Hall

Gave $100 to Olivia Raney Library.
Right: Olivia Raney Local History Library in Raleigh
DuBois School Alumni Association and City Cemetery
Gave $1,500 to the Dubois School Alumni Association in Wake Forest for a sign for the 1922 W.E.B. DuBois Rosenwald School that was being renovated.
Right: W.E.B. DuBois School in Wake Forest

Paid $950 to place grave makers at the graves of two of Joel Lane’s daughters, Martha Lane McKethan Brickell (1778-1852) and Grizelle Lane Ryan (1793-1868) in City Cemetery in Raleigh. The project was initiated by Elizabeth Norris and implemented by Anne Gordon.
Right: Grizelle Lane Grave Marker at City Cemetery
Historic Yates Mill and L L Polk House
Donated $2,000 to Yates Mill Associates for restoration of the mill.
Right: Yates Mill, restored

Voted to donate $3,000 to the ca. 1890 L L Polk House in Raleigh. Society President Mabel Dorsey (1988-1990) had suggested to the board that the Polk House needed restoration. Society members Mabel Dorsey and Tom Norris met with N.C. State Chancellor Larry Monteith and Agricultural Commissioner Jim Graham to get their support for a new organization to restore the home of the first N.C. Agriculture Commissioner. This effort started as a WCHS project with Mabel Dorsey, Tom Norris, Barbara Massenburg, Tom Jordan, and others. It soon grew to a separate group. The beautiful home is mostly restored and is open today.
Above Right: Leonidas L. Polk House
Historic Yates Mill
Donated $2,000 to Yates Mill for a millstone.
Right: Corn millstones at Yates Mill
Historic Yates Mill, L. L. Polk House, Oak View Farm, and Book: Raleigh, City of Oaks
Donated $200 each to Historic Yates Mill, L. L. Polk House, and Oak View Farm.
Right: Main House at Oak View County Park

Sponsored the publication of the Raleigh pictorial history, “Raleigh, City of Oaks,” authored by James Vickers. Past-president Mrs. Joan Pennell (1979-1980) headed the project.
Right: Cover of Raleigh, City of Oaks
Historic Yates Mill, L. L. Polk House, and Maynard-Pearson House
Donated $500 to Historic Yates Mill in Raleigh.
Right: Yates Mill
Donated $500 to L. L. Polk House in Raleigh.
Below Right: Leonidas L. Polk House
Donated $200 to the Apex Historical Society for the Maynard-Pearson House.

Book: The Historic Architecture of Wake County, Oak View, L.L. Polk House, and Yates MillHelped to market Kelly Lally’s book, “The Historic Architecture of Wake County.”
Above: Cover of the book
Donated $450 to Oak View for brochures
Donated $505 to L.L. Polk House
Donated $100 to Yates Mill
St. Matthew's School, DuBois School, and Maps
Donated $100 for restoration of a Rosenwald School near Raleigh built in 1922, St. Matthew’s School.
Donated $200 to the DuBois Rosenwald School in Wake Forest.
Spent $1440 on reproducing Fendol Bevers and Welt’s Wake County maps.
Right: Fendol Bevers's Map
Oak View farm, Yates Mill Associates, DuBois School, and Friends of the Archives
Raised $17,200 for the Oak View restoration.
Donated $1,200 to Yates Mill Associates.
Donated $200 to Wake Forest Historical District and Properties Commission fo the DuBois Rosenwald School in Wake Forest.
Right: N. C. State Archives building
Donated $200 to the Friends of the Archives special fund.
Historic Oak View County Park
Under the leadership of Barbara Massenburg (1990-1992), Oak View farm began its transformation from being a rundown farm house to becoming the beautiful education park it is today. Earl Droessler (1987-1988) and Barbara Massenburg lobbied the county commissioners and others to restore the farm house and make a park out of this area. Today it is a county park used to educate the public about farm life in the past.
Above Right: Historic Oak View County Park Main House
N C State Capitol
Donated $1455 to N C State Capitol for 2 reproduction chairs, one each for Senate and House.
Right: chair at N. C. State Capitol
Yates Mill and Page-Walker Hotel
Donated $630 to Yates Mill.
Donated $100 to Page-Walker Hotel in Cary.
Right: The Page-Walker Hotel
Yates Mill Restoration Began
Society President Mabel Dorsey (1988-1990) initiated a movement to restore Yates Mill. The effort soon grew too large for the Society. A separate group was formed to restore the mill. WCHS helped in raising money for the group as well as holding the new group’s money until it received its tax-exempt status. The mill was restored, and the subsequent park opened in 2006.
Right: Yates Mill During Restoration
Page-Walker Hotel
Donated $100 to Friends of Page-Walker Hotel in Cary.
Right: The Page-Walker Hotel
Historic Yates Mill
In collaboration with NC State University, held a “Preservation Pig-Picking” fundraiser for Yates Mill.
Right: Yates Mill
Oakwood Cemetery
Paid $950 and worked with several groups to erect a tombstone in Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh for Adolphus Gustavus Bauer, the architect of the N.C. Executive Mansion and many other famous buildings. The Society also did restoration work to the tombstone of his wife, Rachel Bauer.
Right: Tombstone of A.G. Bauer at Oakwood Cemetery
Grave Marker for Governor David Stone and Plaque for Hephzibah Baptist Church
WCHS President Martha G. Robinson worked with the Hope Foundation to find and place a gravestone for Governor David Stone (1770-1818). He is buried near Knightdale at his site of his former Wake County plantation, “Restdale” on what is now private land. Restdale was on Hodge Road, south of Poole Road.
Above Right: Grave Marker of NC Governor David Stone

Placed a plaque for Wendell’s historic Hephzibah Baptist Church, a county landmark. The congregation was constituted in 1809.
Right: Historic Hephzibah Baptist Church

Right: Plaque located inside behind the last pew
Mordecai Historic Park, First Wake County Courthouse, and General James Robertson
WCHS member Beth Crabtree led the WCHS to save the ca. 1810 Badger-Iredell Law Office now located at Mordecai Historic Park in Raleigh. The Society worked with the Wake County Bar Association to move the office to Mordecai Square. The WCHS also held an auction to raise funds to furnish to law office and placed a plaque inside the law office.
Right: Badger-Iredell Law Office
Placed a bronze plaque on a large stone near the site of the first Wake County Courthouse at the corner of Boylan Avenue and Hargett Street in Raleigh.
Right: Boulder and Plaque Near Site of First Wake County Court House

Placed a plaque in Raleigh honoring General James Robertson, a pre-Revolutionary War hero, near the site of his boyhood home.
Above Right: Stone and Plaque to General James Robertson
Wake County Court House and Moore Square
Acquired and placed a walnut showcase in the lobby of the Wake County Court House to display historical artifacts. The display case is no longer in the court house.
Placed plaque commemorating Alfred Moore in Moore Square Park
Above right: The 1970 Wake County Court House
Below right: Plaque commemorating Alfred Moore, Moore Square’s namesake
Raleigh's Public SquaresPlaced plaques in at least two of the four public squares in Raleigh including for Governor Abner Nash and for Attorney General Alfred Moore.
Right: Plaque in Nash Square, Raleigh
1870 Map of Wake County
Spent $900 to print the historic 1870 Fendol-Bevers map of Wake County.
Right: The Fendol-Bevers Map
Mordecai Historic Park
Gave $200 to Mordecai Historic Park for the ca. 1810 Badger-Iredell Law Office restoration.
Right: The Badger-Iredell Law Office
City Cemetery and History of Wake County
Paid $180 to place a bronze marker on a granite stone at Raleigh’s City Cemetery for Jacob Marling, first professional artist painter in Raleigh.
Right: Plaque for Jacob Marling at City Cemetery
Asked Elizabeth Reid Murray to write a history of Wake County to be ready for the 1971 county bicentennial. She did extensive research, and it soon became evident she would not meet the 1971 deadline. The Society and she dissolved the partnership. Mrs. Murray continued her research on her own, and 12 years later in 1983, published her first volume of Wake County history entitled, “Wake: Capital County of North Carolina.”
Olivia Raney Local History Library
Gave $100 to Olivia Raney History Library.
Right: Olivia Raney Library as it appears today
City Cemetery
Gave $100 to Raleigh’s City Cemetery, opened 1798. Conducted annual walking tours of Raleigh’s cemeteries beginning around 1965. These tours continued for many years.
Right: Entrance to City Cemetery